Cover of "Braveheart (Sapphire Series) [B...
Cover of Braveheart (Sapphire Series) [Blu-ray]
As I was relaxing here at home on this Wednesday evening, an odd time for me to be home because usually I would be at church but on this day there was a water pipe break at our church and we were unable to attend, gotta love weather!…………….so I was watching the local news and there was a human interest piece on a blog which caught my eye …….

An interesting concept…..One word to focus on, one word to guide us through our day…lives.  What would be the One word to set the tone for our future, there are so many avenues to go down, so many choices of words.


It didn’t take me long, my word jumped out of my mouth for no one to hear except my faithful Buddy ….the dawg. He wasn’t particularly impressed. I think if I had said “treat” or “outside” he may have opened one eye but he barely even stirred.

FREEDOM……..that is my word and it is an all encompassing word for nearly every aspect of my life. That is my word for year_twenty fourteen. It is a good word, sturdy and strong, it will take me where I want and need to be. It is the word for the American dream, the word for Braveheart(movie), the word that is highly personal yet fully broad in its length and  breath. It is universal.

the_shawshank_redemption (Photo credit: sreeat89)

This is a good blog to read, I would encourage anyone to pick a word,  join a tribe, take back your life. We only have one option to quote a classic film, Shawshank Redemption…”get busy living or get busy dying.” Words to get you through the day..


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2 thoughts on “FREEDOM

  1. Love the post and LOVE your recommendation! I just joined oneword365! My one word? Intentional… because that is how I live my life… always!

    Shawshank Redemption is second on my all time favorites… To Kill A Mockingbird will always have top honors, but Shawshank is a very close second!


    1. Good word and so glad you joined in, kinda keeps it fresh in your mind huh? Love To kill a mockingbird….I grew up scared of it….the movie. Later read book, and since the author(Harper Lee) was best friends with Truman Capote, well I love his writing, let’s just say…and Shawshank is watched EVERY TIME I CATCH IT ON!…it’s a sickness…..thanks for reading sweetie!


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